3.84 Primary Teachers

In June of 2007 we met students and teachers in the Huruma slum of Nairobi, Kenya. We discovered that teachers are faced with overly crowded classrooms some with over 100 students in a class, antiquated teaching methods and supplies, and many of the children are HIV/AIDS positive and lacking regular medical attention. Although a few local agencies combine in an outreach and supply a hot meal one day a week, lack of primarily health care and nutrition is astounding.
Through this lens, we found that the majority of students are bright, alert, and happy; those in the minority are distant, remote, and ill. It was in the later group that a face of a seven-year-old child in the advanced stage of HIV/AIDS that left an indelible image in our minds. When asked how we could help, we founded the The Africa Teacher Foundation.
The Africa Teacher Foundation is staffed entirely with volunteers. All money raised goes directly to benefit the children of Africa through teacher training programs as well as the distribution of food and medical supplies. Currently, 2,000 teachers have been trained, and through the efforts of those teachers, over 35,000 students have been reached.
Teachers often tend to teach the way they were taught, but these Kenyan teachers are most anxious to embrace all approaches. Change is difficult and sometimes slow but can happen as witnessed by the over 500 teachers who have been trained and the establishment of the Africa Teacher Foundation Center for Pedagogy, which is a permanent center in Nairobi run by teaches who have been trained through the institutes.
The Africa Teacher Foundation was established in 2007 to help African teachers use best educational principles and practices to improve their curricular and instructional standards. These improvements will, in turn, enhance the quality of life for children residing in the poorest slums in East Africa. Participants from slum, rural, and national schools in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda receive ten days of professional development and support to learn varied approaches to meet the needs of all learners across the basic skill areas of literacy, mathematics, and writing. To create a sustainable training program and multiply the impact of the teacher trainings, the Africa Teacher Foundation Center for Pedagogy was also established in 2010.
Selected teachers who have participated in previous institutes extend their knowledge and conduct professional development for other African teachers. Training African teachers to train other African teachers is a focus of the Foundation. The Foundation also services rural and city medical clinics. The need for better health for these children becomes more evident with time. There are many orphaned children who were born with HIV AIDS and other health complications. The medical component attempts to address children's immediate health needs while emphasizing a preventative approach to health care.
William Molloy
President, ATF
Johnson Adams is a Kenyan teacher and trainer working with The Africa Teacher Foundation since 2012.
Thom Deller and Rich Kerbel have been riding bikes with each other for the past 12 years. In that time, they have ridden recreationally and for charity events. But this ride is a bit different.
Thom and Rich will begin the ride on Monterey Bay and arrive in Narragansett Bay six weeks later, and they are calling it the Bay to Bay Bike Ride. Claudia Kerbel, who taught with me at the University of Rhode Island, will be driving along side. Thom and Rich are 70 years of age. The ride begins on April 19 and arrival in RI is slated for June 1.
Claudia has designated the Africa Teacher Foundation as her charity of choice. This ride is not being done by or for any one charity, but, if anyone wishes to pledge along the way, please do so. There is a blog that Rich will keep along the way so you can see progress.
LINK TO BLOG: https://bay2baybikeride.blogspot.com
If you’d like to donate, please do so via the link on this site. Thank you!